Protect Your Athletes from Sudden Cardiac Arrest

The Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation’s Keep Their Heart In the Game AED Loaner Pilot aims to prepare youth teams and leagues to not just acquire an AED but empower them to instill a lasting culture of prevention in their sports community. Program goals are to build confidence among administration to sustain an AED program and to implement a cardiac emergency response plan in their daily operations across all teams, coaches, parents and players. 

Pilot Participation Requirements

Teams may apply to borrow AEDs for short seasons, games or tournaments at no cost after participating in a cardiac emergency response training program provided by the Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation, which includes:

  • Learning to properly maintain and make the AED/s accessible (not locked away) with notification that anyone can use the AED in a cardiac emergency
  • Leadership training for administration and coaching staff to incorporate a cardiac emergency response plan (CERP) into the organization’s emergency action plan
  • Orientating parents and players to the CERP with distribution of information about sudden cardiac arrest
  • Performing a cardiac emergency response drill for each team

How to Apply

AEDs are subject to availability via an application process and then to those who process the Agreement no later than two weeks before the desired start date. Once your application has been accepted you’ll be notified via email to process the Agreement. Details regarding obligations and responsibilities of program participation can be viewed in the introduction of the application.


Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) occurs when the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. When this happens, blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs. SCA usually causes death if not treated in minutes.

No. A heart attack is caused by clogged or narrowed heart arteries that prevent the flow of blood. SCA is caused by an abnormality in the heart that causes the heart to stop beating and the victim to stop breathing. People who have heart attacks may become victims of SCA, but people of all ages—including kids and teenagers—can be victims of SCA.

SCA is caused by an electrical or structural abnormality you’re born with, and could’ve inherited, or develops as you grow. The abnormality caused an irregular beat that causes the heart to stop. SCA can also be caused by a sharp blow to the chest (commotio cordis) at a certain interval in the heart beat that causes the heart to stop beating.

An automatic external defibrillator (AED) is a device that can be used by anyone to deliver a shock (defibrillate) to someone who’s heart has stopped. 

No. AEDs were designed for the general public to use. It has simple audio/visual instructions that guide users through the process. The device decides if a shock must be delivered, therefore, you can’t mistakenly hurt someone with an AED.

Early defibrillation with an AED is the only treatment for SCA. According to the American Heart Association, each minute of delay in delivering a defibrillation shock to a cardiac arrest victim reduces the chance of survival by 10%. 

While our country has a great emergency response system, average arrival time for EMS to the scene is 6–12 minutes, while emergency intervention for an SCA victim must start within the first minutes of collapse. Studies show that even when EMS arrive within 2 minutes of calling 911, the 30-day survival rate of SCA victims increases when an onsite AED was used immediately.

  • Avive® Connect AED
  • Avive® Connect Rugged Carrying Case
  • Avive® AED Replacement Pad Cartridge, containing one set of two (2) adhesive electrode pads that can be used on either adults or children for analysis and defibrillation
  • Blue Training Cartridge
  • Avive® CPR/AED Rescue Kit
  • Medical-grade Avive® USB Power Adaptor
  • One-Meter (3.3 foot) Avive® USB Charging Cable
  • AED instructions one-pager to keep with device
  • Training manikin
  • AED field sign

Any person who, in good faith and not for compensation, renders emergency care or treatment by the use of an AED at the scene of an emergency is not liable for any civil damages resulting from any acts or omissions in rendering the emergency care.

  • Instructions for AED use should be posted in 14-point type with the device. These instructions are provided by EP Save A Life with the loaner AEDs. 
  • Organization principals possessing the AED must notify members of the organization of the AED’s location.
  • AEDs must be maintained according to the manufacturer’s specifications and tested at after the AED is deployed in a cardiac emergency.

If a cardiac emergency arises and the AED is taken to the scene, the organization must contact the Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation within 1 day of the event. This notification is necessary if:

  • The AED was taken to scene of the cardiac emergency but was not activated and/or pads were not applied to the victim
  • The AED was taken to the scene of the cardiac emergency, was turned on, with pads applied to the victim, but the AED did not deliver a shock
  • The AED was taken to the scene of a cardiac emergency, was turned on, with pads applied to the victim and a shock was delivered 

Eric Paredes Save A Life Contact Information: 
[email protected] and 619.550.2129 (please leave a message)

The data can be transmitted to medical providers in multiple ways:

  • After a cardiac event in which the AED is deployed, when the device is powered OFF an incident report and unique ID is generated, and a QR code will show on the screen of the AED that EMS can scan or photograph. 
  • The data is also captured in the RealConnect® platform that EP Save A Life has access to and can share with the medical team when we are notified by them. 
  • Healthcare providers can log in directly to view a patient’s full Incident Report by visiting and searching with the Incident ID. 


Isabelle Owens • August 17, 2009 – May 20, 2023

This program is dedicated to all youth lost to sudden cardiac arrest, including Isabelle Owens, a 13-year-old athlete who though effortlessly played soccer her entire life, collapsed during a game on a remote North County San Diego field in May 2023. An AED was not present, the park facility with an AED was locked, and a connection to 911 was difficult due to a weak signal. Though bystanders performed CPR for 25 minutes while awaiting an ambulance, Isabelle was lost.

Find “How To Use Your Avive AED” short tutorials, videos, cardiac emergency response plan toolkit, sudden cardiac arrest information flyers, training slide decks and more.


At the conclusion of the agreement term, please use this form to record information about your experience. Upon completion of the form and return of the AED package, your deposit will be refunded.

California’s Nevaeh Youth Sports Safety Act states by 2027 an AED must be accessible to young athletes during both practice and games.

This pilot has been generously underwritten by