Recognize & Respond
So many are unaware of what sudden cardiac arrest looks like and what to do when it happens. Share this video with family, friends, neighbors, schools, teams and co-workers so each of us is prepared to respond to a cardiac emergency by calling 911, starting hands-only CPR and using an AED. Will you be ready to act when every second counts?

What Call Will You Make?
1 in 300 youth has an undetected heart condition that puts them at risk for SCA. Of those stricken, ~50% reported no symptoms or family risk factors because warning signs are often missed by families and medical providers. Make the right call by engaging in regular, comprehensive cardiac risk assessments with your child AND their practitioner.

Is Your AED Ready to Rescue?
When seconds could mean the difference between life and death for an SCA victim, your AED must be visible, accessible and maintained, just like a fire extinguisher. It matters where you place it, if anyone can reach it, that someone takes care of it, if everyone can spot it, and that your  community knows they can use it!

Make Prevention Part of Your Practice
Primary care practitioners are on the front lines when it comes to protecting young hearts from sudden death. And yet, cardiac risk is an often overlooked area of assessment, with standard exams missing up to 90% of youth at risk. Learn how to incorporate prevention into your practice.

Prevention Training for Coaches & Officials
California law mandates SCA Prevention Training for coaches, sports officials and administrators of youth sports programs. Californians can take our FREE training, produced in collaboration with Parent Heart Watch and Coach Safely. Watch this 1-minute preview, then register for the training here.

SCA Prevention for Athletic Trainers
Athletic trainers know that SCA is a real threat to young athletes. This training helps you to create a culture of prevention in your sports program by incorporating protocol to recognize warning signs of an undetected heart condition that put athletes at risk, and prepare your community to respond to a cardiac emergency.

You CAN Save a Life
Bystander intervention is the only way to increase the chance of survival for a Sudden Cardiac Arrest victim. Research shows that once the public understands that their intervention could mean the difference between life and death, they are willing to Call Push Shock.

Don’t Just Check the Box…Check In!
Standard exams don’t check for heart conditions that put youth at risk. Parents often rush through health history forms alone instead of completing them with their youth. Coaches, counselors and caregivers are unprepared to recognize warning signs of a potential heart condition. Be prepared!

Know the Warning Signs and Risk Factors
Most sudden cardiac arrest events are preceded by symptoms or family risk factors that are missed or misdiagnosed. Know your family history as certain conditions can be inherited. Ask your youth and adults supervising them if any warning signs are present.

Be Prepared for A Cardiac Emergency
Learn the Cardiac Chain of Survival—where seconds can mean the difference between life and death. Learn how to act quickly and work together to recognize SCA, call 911, administer hands-only CPR, use an automated external defibrillator (AED) and direct EMS to the scene.

Parent/Team Meeting Video
Use this video at your team meetings with parents and student athletes to explain the new Eric Paredes Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act and how youth and adults must be aware of potential warning signs of a heart condition, and be prepared to act in the event of a cardiac emergency.

Parent Heart Watch—SCA Awareness
Sudden cardiac arrest is the #1 killer of student athletes and contributes to the #2 medical cause of death under 25, and is the leading cause of death on school campuses. These parents share their personal story of loss to help others understand the critical need to protect young hearts.

Esté preparado para una emergencia cardíaca
Aprenda la cadena de supervivencia cardíaca, donde los segundos pueden significar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte. Aprenda cómo actuar rápidamente y trabajar juntos para reconocer SCA, llame al 911, administre RCP solo con las manos, use un desfibrilador externo automático (DEA) y dirija EMS a la escena.

Play it Smart. Save a Heart with Jon Dorenbos
Jon distinguished himself during a 14-year NFL career. He’s been featured on America’s Got Talent and The Ellen Degeneres Show. But an undetected heart condition stopped him in his tracks. Learn more about preventative heart screenings to protect the 1 in 300 youth at risk for SCA.

Save A Life Foundation
In Eric’s name, and for all those lost to sudden cardiac arrest from a heart condition no one knew they had, the Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation continues its mission to educate youth, parents, educators, coaches and elected officials about the incidence of SCA in youth and prevention strategies to avoid a tragedy that could be a heartbeat away.

A Parent’s Guide to Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Learn the true incidence of sudden cardiac arrest in youth—a syndrome that strikes thousands of youth each year. Parents must know the potential warning signs of a heart condition, investigate family risk factors, and be prepared to respond to a cardiac emergency.

Screenings Save Lives: Jacob’s Story
Jacob’s relentlessly racing heart dominated his sports activities. Because he was a healthy, active youth, doctors didn’t even consider a potential heart condition when they diagnosed his symptoms as asthma induced, until our screening revealed WPW.

Screenings Save Lives: Julia’s Story
What they thought would be a check-in-the-box heart check not only revealed that Julia had LongQT syndrome, but that her mom and brother had the exact same condition as well. It turns out that one heart screening actually saved three lives that day.

Screenings Save Lives: Kaelie’s Story
As a competitive swimmer, Kaelie was used to pushing through tough practices. No one recognized that her being repeatedly winded with a tight chest and racing heart were warning signs of the Atrial Septal Defect our heart screening revealed.

Screenings Save Lives: Devin’s Story
Deeply moved by Eric Paredes’ death, Erin had her doctor screen her son, Devin, an athlete with no health issues. The screening not only revealed an Atrial Septal Defect, but a Coronary Artery Anomaly—the second leading cause of Sudden Cardiac Arrest usually discovered during autopsy.

Screenings Save Lives: Spencer’s Story
Spencer’s firefighter/paramedic dad, Scott, was shocked when our screening detected Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome in his son’s heart. Playing sports since he was four, Spencer had no symptoms and his heart showed no abnormalities when Scott hooked him up to a simple 6-lead EKG.

Screen Your Teen PSA
Filmed at Steele Canyon High School, Eric’s alma mater, the energy and enthusiasm of our teens was inspiring and a fitting tribute to Eric, who was full of passion for life and helping others.

Save A Life PSA
Thousands of kids die annually from an undetected heart condition that put them at risk for Sudden Cardiac Arrest. And athletes are at higher risk. This PSA urges parents of teens to take a moment to prevent a tragedy that could be a heartbeat away and screen their teen.

Dream Big: Screen Your Heart
Did you know that SCA is the #1 killer of student athletes? Our heartfelt thanks to hall-of-famer Willie Banks, the record-breaking track and field athlete who lent us his Olympic-sized heart to help us prevent SCA in our youth. He is truly our champion!

40,000th Teen Screened
Our Heart Month 2024 event marked our 70th screening and 40,000th teen screened in the 15th year after losing Eric Paredes to an undetected heart condition. Family and friends touched by the foundation’s work share their stories to underscore why preventative heart screening is critical to finding youth at risk.